Wine & food party in Courmayeur to discover the wines and products of the Aosta Valley
Saturday, April 15, 2017, the best wines of the best Aosta Valley labels will be at Courmayeur.
Hotels welcome the winemakers: a chance to discover the gastronomic excellences of the territory. It will be possible to know, taste and buy the best local products, in an atmosphere of celebration among itinerant music. To accompany the wines, the best meals zero km.
Cost of the tasting glass: 15 €
News 2017:
One or more traditional agri-food products will be present in all the structures, who will find and taste the 11 products mentioned will take part in the extraction of the prizes (hotels stays and bottles) which will take place on Easter Monday during the fair of Pâquerette.
Accomodation, transfer, guide service: info@alpina-tour.com tel: +39 3358376414
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