Что означает слово Газета?
The first newspapers appeared in ancient Rome in the 2nd century AD.
The first newspapers Acta Diurna (Daily Acts or Daily Public Records), informed citizens of political and social happenings in ancient Rome, military victories, gladiatorial bouts and other games, births and deaths and even human-interest stories were inscribed on metal or stone and posted in areas with heavy foot traffic, such as the Roman Forum where free citizens met to discuss ideas, philosophy and politics.
The Venetian noun gazeta denoted a coin of small value minted in 1539, which may have been the sum paid either for the periodical or for reading it.
The Latin word gaza mean treasure, riches.
Popular etymology claims that the name of the news-sheet is from gazzetta, a diminutive of Italian gazza (Venetian gaza), magpie, this bird being regarded as typical of tattle.
В Венеции и были образованы первые бюро по сбору информации – прообразы информационных агентств, а также возникла профессия «писатель новостей».
Ведь процветание и прибыль купцов зависело от торговли, именно поэтому торговцы старались узнать последние новости и происшествия как можно скорее , т.к. любая новость могла кардинальным образом повлиять на продажи.
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